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Local Area

Explore the local landscape on our doorstep.

Explore the local landscape on our doorstep.

What's Around The Blue Bell Inn

Get inspired to visit the local area around The Blue Bell Inn. Here are a few attractions to help you find the perfect reason to explore what our community has to offer right on our doorstep.

Stonehurst is a real working family farm, go and meet the cows, sheep and pigs and their farmyard friends. Hold baby animals, feed the cows and sheep, collect the eggs, enjoy a tractor and trailer ride, children’s pony rides, play and learn, for all ages.

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There are numerous routes through the Woods offering different terrains. Families, dog-walkers, cyclists and horse-riders are all welcome on the appropriate routes ,which are well signed and waymarked.

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Take a tour round Into Space and you will come face to face with astronauts, spacesuits and our journey into space.

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